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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 08:50:55 AM

Title: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 08:50:55 AM
I have to sort this report from prompt page.herre is my table

company_name          co_amount
z                                  1
A                                  1
A                                  2
B                                  7
B                                  4 
C                                  2
F                                   5
R                                 3
S                                  2
B                                 6
B                                1           
A                               6
E                                7
E                                 7

now if user select COMPANY from dropdown list then result must be like

1-report must sort at beginig company name starts only from A and side by side amount related to company A from small to large
2- Then after finishing A the it should pick the second one as alphabetical orerder and sort the amout like earlieer

plz help how to do..

Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 10:24:49 AM
what happen..................
where are all the COGNOS GURUs

Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 10:47:30 AM
hello please give some idea

how do sort alphabet and number at the same time
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: blom0344 on 17 Oct 2008 12:16:54 PM

You might try to adhere to some of the forum principles,like:

1. Using descriptive posts. (NOT " How to do?")
2. Taking time to adequatly describe your problems
3. Refrain from posting in your own posts when you think the guru's are to slow to respond (pretty annoying , you know)

On topic, take some time to look up the way ranking works in Cognos..
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 01:38:40 PM
thank you So much........

it happens sometimes that you stuck on somthing and you rerally dont have anytime and option to makeove and farmost when you new.............After couple of years I dont think i will going post its s cycle and being a newcomer...i dont I have donr anything wrong............and its natural...not only in cognos.....but each and every field.....Ex- some body rookie  and when he got ball in his hand nobody way red-zone.......but he can not Score the TOUCH its natural....

thank you
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: blom0344 on 17 Oct 2008 02:26:29 PM
Don't thank me. Is this stuff you are using legal?   ???
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 17 Oct 2008 04:44:40 PM
dont take me wrong...........

i learnt lots from this forum.............its been only couple of weeks that i have been posted my issues
so ..................its the way people think....................i am straight.............I always post my issue...when issue became so in tight for me ....otherwise I learnt by myself..............whatever ..........till its justa coincident.......if you think my way style is not logical...not legal then fine...................................i will contact with know more

thank you
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: blom0344 on 18 Oct 2008 03:09:14 PM
Yeah allright, but  in your case I would try to get more familiar with Cognos tools and not to expect that we solve your deadline issues.
Hence, my 3 suggestions on how to get the most out of peer-to-peer forum activity. 
Title: Re: How to do...?
Post by: robin2008 on 19 Oct 2008 01:49:26 PM

we will work on that...

I am done with all my problem......I am going to start new from next week and will intresting...

i will share with you if i got any issue\