Is this a cognos mystake>?
I have large d-cubes in libriaries - about 70 mln - it is normal.
This one is about 40 mln large, and has meny avarage calculations.
When i am trying to open this cube using edit selection and selecting i position with BIF Days - message appears that i have not enouth memory space and i have to increase swap file.
May be it is impossible to select such positions?
In another side i can select 1 bif and 2 normal and it will be ok - what i am doing wrong?
To how much memory is your workspace set?
i don't think that it is a memory problems - becouse with swap files is all ok.
I had a similar problem with my Analyst. I increased the workspace to 768k and it worked good for me. Also you can allocate certain amount of memory just to analyst.