I am doing sorting my report using prompt page......and It works for COMAPNY_NAME (varchar).............and this the way I did
propmt page---drag value prompt---select static choice---add the dispaly(ZIP CODE)--OK--got to Query Explorer---drag new data item----write expression
case ?Parameter1?
when 'code' then [ZIP-CODE]
ok(no error).----then go to report pages---click page set--go to group and sorting...click on sort list and drag this new data item below sort list...then RUN
But issue is ..now I am trying to do for ZIP-CODE(varchar) but not working.......
please any idea ...any help.........
thnak you
Is there any COGNOS Guru who cha give some help on this matter, please............
I that should work
its not working
plz help any friends out there
Can you be more precise in what does not work? Does the sorting on the ZIP code not work like you expected? How do you expect the sorting to be? ETC