i have a query based value prompt with name=''arpit'' , iwant to change the display of the first field so iam adding a html item and writing the following javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
function init()
document.forms["formWarpRequest"]._oLstChoicesarpit[0]= "test";
</script><body onload=init()>
but still its not working
Try adding the following code to remove the default parameter name from the value prompt
and add a static choice value 'Test'
Hope this helps.
Hi All,
I am not sure whether I am addressing your problem correctly. But I do have come across 'Javascript' issue while developing some reports. It may be an idea to see external things that cause Javascript problem, instead looking into Cognos itself. I mean, it may be a problem of IIS web server, Internet explorer, etc.. Please refer to my other postings in this site.
Also, My findings tell me to do following things :
Do the un-registering and registering of the DLLs as shown following:
Hope that helps..
Good luck,