I am doing sorting this way
propmt page---drag value prompt---select static choice---add the dispaly(ZIP CODE)--OK--got to Query Explorer---drag new data item----write expression
case ?Parameter1?
when 'code' then [ZIP-CODE]
ok(no error).----then go to report pages---click page set--go to group and sorting...click on sort list and drag this new data item below sort list...then RUN
OK...when I did same and exact process for COMPANY_NAME then it runs perfect..BUT
BUT...when i did this for ZIP-CODe like above it took long long time (more than half hour) and still not giving anything.....just runs and runs and runs only..............plz help
help please........anybody..plz
Your filter is messed up.
case ?Parameter1?
when 'code' then [ZIP-CODE]
What is code?
If you have display ZIP CODE why r u using 'code'???
I already gave you answer in another post...
when ?Sort Prompt? = 'Loan' then [LOAN_ID]
when ?Sort Prompt? = 'Zip' then [Zip]
when ?Sort Prompt? = 'Name' then [Name]
Do some reading and research so that ur skill level is enhanced.
what I did is
case ?Parameter?
when 'zip' then [CHRMAILZIPCODE]
is this correct OR I have to write ??
thank you
I mean
ON Static Choices USE and DISPALY should be same ????
OR anything else...plz
You have to use the USE value in your filter not the DISPLAY value.
ON Static Choices USE and DISPALY should be same ?
OR anything else...plz
It doesn't matter, it can be same or different but USE value is the one used in calculation.
The display value is in report expression to display what is selected.
Use value = zip-----Display = Zip Code
Use value = name---Display = Name
In your data item,
case ?Parameter?
when 'zip' then [Your Zip Code column]
when 'name' then [Your Name column]
Then sort in this column.
It's very simple logic.