hi everyone.
i want to konw ,how to deal multiple currencies,for example:deptA need use USD,deptB need use JPY,deptC need use EUR;
i can add currency dimension ,but exchange rate is danymic ,how to maintain?
if i need use USD reporting all dept,how to deal?
As such there is no functionality in Planning tool for Multi Currency.
This can be accomplished by either Model Design or Report design.
we will have to look into exact requirements for model design. in general, i can think of assumption cube for currency exchange rates which gets updated periodically. Then populate exchange rates from assumption cube to input/calculation cube where users have to enter numbers in their currency (domestic or foreign) and give them switch/flag for currency coversion so that they can have foreign currency converted into domestic currency.
there are few ways to accomplish multi currency, no standard design, it varies with requirements, size of model, currency count etc.
personally i like "Multi Currency" subject :)
If you need to have elist nodes with different local currencies below and you need to see a group currency result on a hierarcy level you essentially will need to put the fx calculation into you model.
I recommend to
- have an input cube for local currency which is set to planner only to avoid aggregation of different currencies at hieracy level
- In addition you can build a read-only cube with only the really neccessary dimensionality that you need to see on the aggregation level including a calc dList for the exchange calculation
- Link local currency into the first item of you currency dim (which should be set to hidden by access table), have a second item holding/getting linked with the fx rate from a different cube (also hide this one by access table) an do the group currency calculation on the third item (set to read-only).
- For the fx rate cube I recommend to include the elist as you'll only need to have one fx rate applied to an elist item. This will require the fx rate dube to be elist specific
- Import rates via prepare/import or link them by analyst to contributor link
- Note that your fx dlist which is a '1' dlist by definition of holding a multiplication calculation mighty be placed as last dlist in the order of your cube as the fx calc needs to run as last calculation. Carefully check your 'calc option' results on other dlists; some items might require a modification of its priority settings
- Depending on the structure of the group currency cube be aware of having other calculations like 'volume * price' as the volumes may not be calculated through the fx rate. If really neccessary you'll need a hidden systemcube with a constant value of '1' that is linked in non-financial vales as the volumes in the example