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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: noraneko on 10 Oct 2008 04:08:06 AM

Title: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: noraneko on 10 Oct 2008 04:08:06 AM
Hi, i would like to ask the question about publishing from Contribotor to Oracle in my case, may be someone has bigger experience in this, i hope so.

Well, I have data in an application, table view layout. I can see my data in Oracle.

The question is â€" does the data loaded in application will publish automatically in dw, or i have to make manually jobs and publish every time i need updated data in DW?
By manually jobs i mean publishing in cognos administration.
Any ideas?
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: StuartS on 10 Oct 2008 08:44:55 AM
What version of contributor are you using? 
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: noraneko on 10 Oct 2008 08:57:12 AM
Version 8.3.
I am trying to think that this is hopefull  :-\
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: adityashah27 on 11 Oct 2008 12:20:11 PM
do u want to automate the process- publish to DW update?
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: sascha on 12 Oct 2008 10:08:33 AM
You can facilitate event studio to track a change in the value of 'last data change' for you elist items and trigger an automatic publish, may be even an incremental one.
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: noraneko on 13 Oct 2008 01:03:41 AM
Yes, i want to automate the process- publish to DW update
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: sascha on 13 Oct 2008 01:29:12 AM
If you don't like the event studio way you can publish your macros (in your case a 'publish macro') to connection (checkbox available in CAC macro options since 8.2). You'll then find this macro in the admin section of Cognos Connection in the folder Planning>Macros. In the properties of this item you can specify the job schedule to run.
But the event triggered way might be more interesting if you look for near-time publishes instead of nightly batches.
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: adityashah27 on 13 Oct 2008 12:35:46 PM
recently i setup this automation at one of sites using Informatica (ETL tool) and ContrlM (Scheduler)
1) set incremental publish macro
2) set ETLs in Informatica
3) Create jobs in ControlM (scheduler) for Publish and ETls and create ETL dependency on Publish job
Every 2 hours these jobs run automatically w/o any intervention.

the same thing can be done without using Informatica and ControlM.

1) Macro Step1: create incremental publish macro
2) Macro Step2: create execute Command Line macro to run SQLs (ETLs)
3) use event studio to schedule above macro execution
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: noraneko on 14 Oct 2008 12:58:47 AM
Thank you very much!:)
Life became easier:)
Title: Re: Contributor -> Oracle data publishing and how to make our life easier? )))
Post by: jan.herout on 23 Oct 2008 10:07:28 AM
Last comment - look at the P_JOB table within your planning store.