hi friends
I have like 10,0000 LOAN _NO and I have Date range in prompt
I am trying to get only one LOAN-NO per page per month
I mean U have 10 loan-no in JAN 2008 then I need to generate 10 page for 10 LOANS
please help me out
I am done with output...
but I just need to generate them per page/month
thank you
Create Pageset..and group the pageset on LOAN_NO. :)
I tried with pageset ...but still not getting the result
plz plz plz plz help
Group by the report with Loan_no.
Then create a Page Set, group the pageset with Loan_no. This should work, I have been using this method long back.
--gud luck
I tried That way ..but there were no da....nothing is displaying.........empty page
dont know
send me the report spec (XML)