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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: StuartS on 25 Sep 2008 05:38:34 AM

Title: Copy Load Prepare
Post by: StuartS on 25 Sep 2008 05:38:34 AM
Hello All

Has someone seen the below?

Software version 8.1.

3 server development environment.  1 SQL server, 1 job server, 1 application server (all cognos).

The setup is all working.  Create PAD, applications, gtp, etc..


Today I found a problem with the copy load prepare function.

A file copies OK.
But will not load.

The error message is

Unable to Bulk Load the data.~~~~BulkLoad Execution returned 128.~~~Output file {copied load file} not found, the most common reason for this is that the bulk load utilities for SQL Server are not installed on {Application Server Name}.

The SQL DBA has checked permissions in SQL and this is not a problem.

On the application server the backwards compatability components are installed, for SQLDMO needed by Cognos 8.1.

I have seen the knowledgebase article  There is no & in the SQL user, only a _ , but a test has shown this not to be the problem.

Do I need to install the SQL native client on the appserver?  My SQL DBA thinks not as cognos is just passing a SQL statement?

Thank you

Title: Re: Copy Load Prepare
Post by: sascha on 25 Sep 2008 11:35:15 AM
Beside from the question if there is a component for SQL to be installed/aktivated/configured for a bulk load you can try importing smaller packages from your file instead of the big one. In the CAC you'll find the 'admin options' in your applications development settings in which you can specifiy a block size that shall be used instead of the default (nothing equals load complete file).

Maybe that helps.
Anyway the answer to the sql bulk load would be of interest for me, too.
Title: Re: Copy Load Prepare
Post by: StuartS on 26 Sep 2008 05:46:12 AM
Hi All

Well I have installed the SQL Native Client and we have success it works.

It would be interesting to find out exactly why Cognos needs these components to use the SQL Bulk Load component.  But, I have a working application server, so  :)
Title: Re: Copy Load Prepare
Post by: ducthcogtechie on 26 Sep 2008 07:52:09 AM
The bulk copy proces uses the database client bulk processor tool.
For sql server that would be bcp.exe and for oracle it is sqlldr.exe
If the full database client is not installed, the exe cannot be called, thus the proces fails.