Has someone come across the following, do they know a fix? Ive got my fingers crossed.
Software: Cognos Planning Analyst and Contributor 8.1.1636.0 EN.
We have a 3 machine development network. 1 Jobserver, 1 SQL server (SQL 2005 with SP1), 1 application server with all Cognos components.
Analyst works. Contributor web grid works.
CAC has a problem. This has suddently occurred this PM. All was ok this morning and before. No updates have been applied to the LAN.
When launching I get the chance to enter logon credentials.
After the CAC has opened I get a message saying 'main form could not be initialized'.
If I close this form and go to Tools->Change Planning Administration Domain and double click on the PAD (pad_live) i get the following error appear;
The 'pad_live' Planning Administration Domain could not be loaded.
Possible Cause: Unable to get user view for Planning Administration Doamin: {GUID}
Single cell requested none returned: SELECT roparentid FROM pad_live..rwobject WHERE roobjectid = '{GUID}'
(note that GUIDs are different).
Is the PAD corrupt? Do I need to rebuild or can it be rescued?
the PAD_LIVE and PAD_LIVE_COMMON are 2 databases (or schema users).
It's definitly worth to restore yesterdays version and try again.
dumb question but asking... did you check if sql server is up and running? all services are running on web(gateway),app,job,content mngr etc?
i dont think PAD is corrupted. once i had almost similar error (dont recollect exactly) and it was a gateway issue.
Ill have a look at the gateway otherwise install a backup of the pad.
Backups restored. Now works. So was a PAD problem.
The services were working.