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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: StuartS on 24 Sep 2008 09:18:19 AM

Title: Corrupted PAD?
Post by: StuartS on 24 Sep 2008 09:18:19 AM

Has someone come across the following, do they know a fix?  Ive got my fingers crossed.

Software: Cognos Planning Analyst and Contributor 8.1.1636.0 EN.

We have a 3 machine development network.  1 Jobserver, 1 SQL server (SQL 2005 with SP1), 1 application server with all Cognos components.

Analyst works.  Contributor web grid works. 

CAC has a problem.  This has suddently occurred this PM.  All was ok this morning and before.  No updates have been applied to the LAN.

When launching I get the chance to enter logon credentials. 
After the CAC has opened I get a message saying 'main form could not be initialized'.

If I close this form and go to Tools->Change Planning Administration Domain and double click on the PAD (pad_live) i get the following error appear;

The 'pad_live' Planning Administration Domain could not be loaded.

Possible Cause: Unable to get user view for Planning Administration Doamin: {GUID}

Single cell requested none returned: SELECT roparentid FROM pad_live..rwobject WHERE roobjectid = '{GUID}'

(note that GUIDs are different).

Is the PAD corrupt?  Do I need to rebuild or can it be rescued?

Title: Re: Corrupted PAD?
Post by: ducthcogtechie on 24 Sep 2008 11:22:30 AM
the PAD_LIVE and PAD_LIVE_COMMON are 2 databases (or schema users).
It's definitly worth to restore yesterdays version and try again.
Title: Re: Corrupted PAD?
Post by: adityashah27 on 24 Sep 2008 11:40:14 AM
dumb question but asking... did you check if sql server is up and running? all services are running on web(gateway),app,job,content mngr etc?
i dont think PAD is corrupted. once i had almost similar error (dont recollect exactly) and it was a gateway issue.
Title: Re: Corrupted PAD?
Post by: StuartS on 25 Sep 2008 02:17:20 AM


Ill have a look at the gateway otherwise install a backup of the pad.


Title: Re: Corrupted PAD?
Post by: StuartS on 25 Sep 2008 03:02:59 AM
Backups restored.  Now works.  So was a PAD problem. 

The services were working.

