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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: encore on 22 Sep 2008 10:59:41 AM

Title: database move in contributor
Post by: encore on 22 Sep 2008 10:59:41 AM
Hopefully someone can help, I have recently "inherited" an installed system which spends more time down than running :-[. the system is installed on a single server (part of the problem) running all components, Contributor, analysis, MS SQL and user web site. It is a quad proc, with 8gb of RAM.

I have zero knowledge of Cognos and the consultant who designed the system is, in my opium 1 page behind me in the manual. The system is only used by 2 or 3 people however the data uploads which are in the form of csv files from our accounting system, can take up to 6 hours to run. That’s if they run at all currently the system fails with a job server time out after 60 mins - i believe that is a parameter set that if a job does not finish for 60 mins it is automatically stopped.

Cognos support say that we need to split the system before they can assist, I have built another SQL box but have no idea how to move the existing database from the current server to the new one? Does anyone have an idiots guide to this ???>

I seriously wonder if the model is fundamentally flawed as I cannot believe the system is as system hungry to require separate components based on this low number of users.

help please
Title: Re: database move in contributor
Post by: adityashah27 on 22 Sep 2008 11:54:03 AM
There is a kB on db move. i dont recollect exactly.
But I normally follow these steps;
1) copy application schema/db to new db
2) clear (update sql) values i.e. 'APP_DISPLAY_NAME', 'PAD_GUID', 'PAD_NAMESPACE' in ADMINOPTION table in app schema 3) relink application in new PAD.

i find above method more convenient though in 8.3 you can use Deployment wizard to move apps.

hope it helps...
Title: Re: database move in contributor
Post by: sascha on 23 Sep 2008 02:50:45 AM
Quote from: adityashah27 on 22 Sep 2008 11:54:03 AM
clear (update sql) values i.e. 'APP_DISPLAY_NAME', 'PAD_GUID', 'PAD_NAMESPACE' in ADMINOPTION table in app schema 3) relink application in new PAD.

I would recommend to detach (remove) the application from the PAD within the Contributor Administration Console (CAC) as the helpdesk might neglect further support if they now that you are changing values in the database (@adityashah27: even if I do it like that, too ;)).
View properties of the database using SQL Enterprise Manager to see location of sql files. Then detach database by rightclicking it in use 'All Tasks -> Detach'. Copy files from old to new server. Use SQL Enterprise Manager again to 'All tasks -> attach' it again. Within CAC you need to add a new datastore (new sql server) and by rightclicking it 'search for existings apps'. Your moved app should show up.

But another question: Can you please specifiy your environment and the nature & size of your applications and the 6h import a little bit more precise? A) Even if using a single server environment you should have full support! B) The environment described with quad core and 8GB sounds normally absolutely enough-sized for only 2-3 people.
Title: Re: database move in contributor
Post by: amo77 on 23 Sep 2008 07:55:21 AM
I would allow myself not to agree with the 2nd post, that you need to clear records in the "adminoption" table, since these steps are required when you move a single contributor datastore to the different Planning Domain, while task is to move all databases to the new SQL server.
I can send the steps that I am using for the similar task, but these steps are valid for 7.3, while you have not specified which version of EP you are running.
Title: Re: database move in contributor
Post by: sascha on 23 Sep 2008 10:38:18 AM
If you are moving the PAD databases as well then you might get problems with your adminlinks and macros (objects stored in PAD common) as they will not be updated from their datastore names. Either you use the new deployment functionality for that as described by adityashah or you should build a new PAD on the new server and attach (moved) existing apps.