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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: carvy_49 on 19 Sep 2008 03:17:00 AM

Title: the data shold be Export to the Excel format
Post by: carvy_49 on 19 Sep 2008 03:17:00 AM

i am using Report studio  version cognos 8.2

i have a report around 6 value prompts(radio buttons)in report page,
when i run the report need to display with prompts  , and when i select those prompts (in the cognos viewer page select the values like division, revenue, Monday,...)and click on finish button the data should be directly exported to Excel format,

after that if i want to see different data, i mean i want to select (division, quantity, wednesday,...) then the data shold be directly exported to Excel format, just like that...

please help me, its a urgent issue

thanks in advance
Title: Re: the data shold be Export to the Excel format
Post by: the_xxx on 19 Sep 2008 01:28:42 PM
Are you tring to schedule the report? or run it manually?

If you are trying to run manually...just just it in Excel format ( Run Report - Excell2002) in run report options.

If you tring to can chage the format to Exel format.

I fyou still have any question do post it.
