Does anyone have a best practice for creating summarized metrics that have manual input? I have metrics that need to summarize to the parent scorecards in a hierarchy where the lowest level is the input level and the remaining levels need to be the sum of the metric from the lower levels. Currently this does not appear to work.
This functionality is not yet available in Metrics Studio. Aggregating up to the parent scorecard is something that is generated through Metrics Designer, or via an external source. Metrics Studio does not do this with manually entered data yet. At least not that I'm aware of, unfortunately.
I know you are not after the derived index function, that can summarize the scores for you.
Aggregating metric of the same metric types from child scorecard up to the parent scorecard should be an easy modification. Maybe its in the works for 8.4, we can only hope.
In the mean time, if you have a spreadsheet, go ahead and have the spreadsheet do the work, and load it via tab-delimited files. Simple enough workaround.
Keith -
As Joe rightly points out, Metrics simply isn't designed for this kind of thing.
My personal recommendation would be to use Planning for data input and manipulation/aggregation (this is after all exactly what it is designed for), and Metrics Studio for viewing the output.
Of course, that does require you to have Planning licenses for your end users though.