Can somebody please explain if this is possible to do!
I'm creating crosstab report in RS using cube.
Need to see last 7 month based on the date user will select at prompt.
So i created a data item with [Ledger].[Time].[By Month].[Month] -> ?Month?
than created 2nd data item with set(lag([Current Month];0);lag([Current Month];1);lag([Current Month];2);lag([Current Month];3);lag([Current Month];4);...and so on
But i have to created two charts in the same report 2 Line charts with makers:
This is where i have a question my X-Axis:
Need to show on 1st chart YTD based on user selection (If Selected Oct-06 then Jan-06 to Oct-06) and 2nd would show full year ( no matter if data exists for full year ---------If Selected Oct-06 then Jan-06 to Dec-06)
path ([Ledger].[Time].[Time].[Month]->:[PC].[@MEMBER].[20060101-20060131]) for Month but caption is Jan-06
I'm confused how can i use ?Month? to get YTD and Full year ?
Thank-you for your help!
P.S., Blom sorry for adding an extra 'O' :)
Maybe not perfect but works
Data Items:
1. Months: [xxx].[All Time Periods].[Month]->?Month?
2. YTDset: periodsToDate([xxx].[All Time Periods].[All Time Periods].[Year],[Month])
3. YTD: total(currentMeasure within set [YTDset])
4. allYEAR: parent(parent([Month]))
5. YearSet: periodsToDate([xxx].[All Time Periods].[All Time Periods].[Year],[allYEAR])
6. Year : total(currentMeasure within set [YEARset])
Thank-you so much!
The 1st two steps worked exactly how I need it.
Showed all months for YTD on the graph.
Steps from 4-5
Step four is exactly the same result as step 5.
Shows total for full year BUT I need to see all months for that year!
I tried children([alllYEAR]) and it gave all of the 2nd level for year which is QUATER named it [AllQuater]
Than I tried to do children([AllQuater])
but keep getting
Invalid coercion from 'memberSet' to 'member, measure' for 'children([Full Quater])'.
i tried other functions but i get the same error!
Got it to work with descendants([Full Quater],1)
Hi Guys,
Is it possible to show YTD as single value.
Right now when i use YTD data item i see all the months BUT I would like to see as one, only current month that will include total of all months?
I know I can do total([Measure] there any other way without using [measure]
P.S. billylodz thank-you, you helped me a lot!