Which tables from the Content Store do I need to make a report with Report Studio / Query Studio with the same information which Find Report Depencies generate. I need a full report of all data from report to metadata and vice versa. Which tables do I have to access.
You could run a trace on the contentstore database during a 'find report dependencies' request. That should give you some insight into the tables 'touched' during the content store examination for the custom report.
I cannot set a trace on the database. I don't have any rights for this. Only I can look at the tables through Query/Report Studio, but still I cannot find the right tables.
If you only have access to source tables through a framework package, then you will indeed not have any insight into the contentstore tables. (Unless someone created a special framework on the contentstore itself and published a package on it)
There is almost no documentation on the structure of the contentstore (probably cause Cognos expects metadata analysis to go through the appropriate tools instead of using 'raw' SQL to approach it)
Just for fun I reverse-engineered the 8.3 contentstore , but it is like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack..