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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: porkins on 09 Sep 2008 09:08:40 AM

Title: system.xml - where's defaultPortalPreferences in 8.3?
Post by: porkins on 09 Sep 2008 09:08:40 AM
I'm upgrading from series 7 to 8.3.  In my system.xml, the following customizations were made. I cannot find thier equivalent values in the 8.3 system.xml.  Where do I change these?

<param name="defaultPortalPreferences">
      <pref name="home">public</pref> <!-- [welcome | public | personal ] -->
      <pref name="tabs">w</pref>   <!-- list of tabs to be hidden by default.  Right now only "w" (Welcome tab) is supported. -->
      <pref name="view">list</pref>    <!-- [list | detail] -->
      <pref name="lines">30</pref>   <!-- [0..999] -->
      <pref name="refresh">30</pref>   <!-- [integer] -->
      <pref name="columns">3</pref>   <!-- [2 | 3 | 4 | 5] -->
      <pref name="runoptions">y</pref>   <!-- [y | n] -->
      <pref name="liststyle">1</pref><!-- [ 0 | 1 | 2 ].  Separatores between list entries: 0: none.  1: lines.  2: alternating background highlights -->
