can anybody please guide me on cognos installation , howto start with and which components to intsall first i have all the set up.
also do i require any specific db for configuration of cognos.
pls help.
I am uploading the two files as .pdf. You can check the same for the complete setup instructions.
Hope this helps.
Here is the another set of instructions.
One file is for FrameWork Manager Installation.
Second one is for Cognos Studios.
Quote from: harish.malik on 09 Sep 2008 04:50:04 AM
I am uploading the two files as .pdf. You can check the same for the complete setup instructions.
You have uploaded confidential internal Cognos training material which is not allowed without permission from Cognos
I would suggest to remove these files.
Disha can open up the regular pdf manuals that come with the product and should be able to set it up through the install and configure guide.
If he has additional problems, he can post them here.
Harish - the Cognos documents you have posted were removed. Please keep in mind that you should not be posting anything the would violate Cognos licensing to the site, including customer documentation that should only be viewed by supported customers or internal training documents.
Thank you.
Sure, I'll take care of this in future and would not upload anything which would violate any of the terms and conditions from Cogons.