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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => Upgrade to C8 => Topic started by: cognosmigrate on 05 Sep 2008 01:35:47 PM

Title: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: cognosmigrate on 05 Sep 2008 01:35:47 PM

What are the steps to migrate the cognos imr reports to c8.
My catalogs got migrates but i would say the joins are not correctly migrated.

would like the process of migrating the imr reports..

Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: TEVAMANA on 21 Oct 2008 03:30:04 PM

You will have to recreate your report with Report Studio.

I'm currently working on a migration from impromptu reports c7.4 to 8.3.

End-users are very please of the new reports, quicker, nicer and stable...

Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: lakesail on 18 Nov 2010 01:28:47 PM
Please send any document on migration to
Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: cognostechie on 18 Nov 2010 07:59:03 PM
How did your catalogs get migrated? Cognos had once released a utility to convert catalogs into FM Model but I don't think that is available anymore.

You have to create Framework Models from scratch and create reports in Cognos 8 studios.
Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: MFGF on 19 Nov 2010 03:56:32 AM
IBM have a utility called Migrate2C8 which can be used to bring catalogs and reports across into the Cognos 8 world.  Be aware that Cognos 8 and Impromptu tave totally different best-practice modelling strategies and you can do a lot of things in Cognos 8 that Impromptu wasn't capable of, so it's definitely worth investigating whether to migrate or simply rebuild your reports.


Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: cognostechie on 19 Nov 2010 06:02:10 PM
Hi MF -

Wasn't that utility creating lot of loop joins in FM? I see your point though. It depends on the inventory that needs to be migrated. If the catalog is simple enough then it might be worth migrating. It's possible that it would come out in FM without much problems and then add the C8 functionality to it, if required.
Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: NewCognosDeveloper1 on 02 Mar 2011 10:24:44 AM

       Can anyone plz guide me through the process for migrating Impromptu Reports and Powerplay Reports from 7.4 to 8 version.
If you have any documentation plz mail it to

Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: rahularya121 on 23 Mar 2011 12:54:56 PM
Can anybody please send me the document for migration from cognos 7 to cognos 8.4

If anybody have any document plz mail me at

Title: Re: Migrate imp reports to c8
Post by: krishnaneni on 02 Jun 2011 01:59:18 AM
Can anyone plz guide me through the process for migrating Impromptu Reports and Powerplay Reports from 7.4 to 8 version.
If you have any documentation plz mail me at

please help me out guys......