Hi folks
have you ever experienced a GTP post-prodution-error 'missing stream error' like this:
The error log does not give any valuable information to me:
- Component Version Information Module File Procedure Line Number Source Error Number Error Description
- epcTransport 8.3.507.0 default TransportClient.cpp get_paramStream 134 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- epcTransport 8.3.507.0 default TransportClient.cpp get_paramStream 142 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- epcTransport 8.3.507.0 default RemoteDispatcher.cpp invokeRemoteMethod 60 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- epcTransport 8.3.507.0 default RemoteDispatcher.cpp invokeRemoteMethod 74 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- epcTransport 8.3.507.0 default OSProxy.cpp invoke 105 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147467259 Process exception
- EAdminUI_83 8.3.507.0 GPWizGotoProductionNew PerformPostProduction 240 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147352567 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- EAdminUI_83 8.3.507.0 GPWizGotoProductionNew PerformGTPRoutines 210 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147352567 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
- EAdminUI_83 8.3.507.0 GPWizGotoProductionNew interfaceGPWizard_BeforeKillPage 130 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::get_paramStream::134 -2147352567 Unexpected: missing stream parameter
The environment looks like this:
- Cognos Planning with SP1 8.3.507.0 (universal upgrade)
- Windows Server 2003 Enterprise SP1
- MS SQL 2000 SP4
When putting the same app onto my virtual Win XP VmWare with SQL 2005 and Planning 8.4 FCS there is no problem at all.
Thanks for your help,
I've never seen such an error message.
What you might try is adding and removing an Access Table. This forces a reconcile.
After this, try to GTP.
Hi Sander
thanks for your fast reply.
The problem already occurs on the very first GTP directly after initially setting the app.
I did in between try on another small and very quick app if the environment has got a problem but the GTP ran through successfully on this one.
Right now I am trying to strip down the problem app to only a few dlist/elist items without any access tables. Will post updates information once available.
Hmm this really confuses me... ??? I now rebuilt the app the third time, but this time step by step (start with few item dlists, added full dimensionality, added full elist, added imported AT...) and now - in it's final step - it's (still) working.
A little bit disappointing not to find a "real" reason for this. I also found something on the web outside this forum but there's also no explaination available :-\
So thanks for sharing ideas...
Unfortunately I've had the same experience ... some errors just can't be logically explained or being reproduced.
I've seen similar errors, with no attributable cause, but typically comes down to dropped network connections or lost database connections, etc. Usually means that it can't find the database server (lost the connection). It's sporadic in that you can't usually find an error message anywhere, and it doesn't show up as server unavailable.
A lost network connection could not be the problem as the SQL Server sits in the same machine (which is in fact not the best scenario I can imagine).
I am having finding similar errors in the plannignerrorlog to Sascha:
TransportClient.cpp invoke 185 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
TransportClient.cpp invoke 213 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
RemoteDispatcher.cpp invokeRemoteMethod 56 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
RemoteDispatcher.cpp invokeRemoteMethod 74 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147467259 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
OSProxy.cpp invoke 105 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147467259 Process exception
PopulateModel 100 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147352567 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter~~Unable to get user view for Planning Administration Domain ~~~~Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
GetApplicationURI 110 epcTransport::default::TransportClient.cpp::invoke::185 -2147352567 Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter~~Unable to get user view for Planning Administration Domain ~~~~Unexpected: missing HRESULT parameter
....... they are not as a result of a GTP but instead seem to be caused by an A2C link. If the A2C link appears to have run successfull (via a macro) and you go into the admin console there is no reconcile running. This makes me think the errors could be linked. If however, the A2C link does not run then a series of errors which occur and the above mentioned planningerrorlog messages appear. Please see attached additional error message.
This problem is really difficult to reproduce and since typing this blog it has since resolved itself. I am convinced it is due to a drop in connectivity. Can anyone help? :-\
Hi Susie
depending on the complexity of your app did you try to rebuild it?
Did you eventually manage to solve your problem or is it still an issue?
Quote from: Sascha on 03 Sep 2008 05:04:52 AM
I now rebuilt the app the third time, but this time step by step (start with few item dlists, added full dimensionality, added full elist, added imported AT...) and now - in it's final step - it's (still) working.
As mentioned I solved the problem with rebuilding the app. It was really strange because I rebuilt it two times. The first time I did all development steps at once (as I usually do) but this led to the same error. When I did the app step by step (to find the place where the error occurs) the error did not appear again. That's why I can't precise why the error occured. Maybe Cognos knows... maybe not... ;)