I am new to Cognos Report Development and have a basic question. I am currently development a stacked bar chart the has a x axis of age categories and a y axis levels / employee count. I would like to add an organizational hierachy (a1 --> a1.1 --> a1.1.1) to the chart that would be a drill through. I have tried to add a singleton to the chart title that would allow the user to click on and drill through to a child level, but I have been unsuccessful.
Can someone suggest a different course that would allow me to perform the drill through behavior that I am looking for, besides a singleton. If the singleton is the correct way, could you provide a description of how I could perform this task.
Thank you in advance for your help
Chart titles can't have a Singleton added.
Only the pieces of the chart (Bars, pie slices, etc) can be made to offer Drill-Down capabililty, and that itself requires a dimension data source (DMR, OLAP)