How do we join Query Items in framework manager?
i know that we can join it by creating relation ship for both query items.
Suppose if we want to make inner join,right outer join,left outer join how can we do that?
You can do that by selecting the different cardinality options provided with the relationships.
Relationships having 0 in them 0..n represents an outer join where as one with 1 Eg. 1..n represents an inner join.
Hi Tarun
Thanks for you reply.How we can do right and left outer join?You mean we hav to change the cardinality in create relation ship window.or we need to change it in diagrams window.
Quote from: candy on 20 Aug 2008 11:15:04 AM
Hi Tarun
Thanks for you reply.How we can do right and left outer join?You mean we hav to change the cardinality in create relation ship window.or we need to change it in diagrams window.
Considering table(or Query Subject) A and another table( or Query Subject) B.
Depending upon the cardinality u select (0..n/1..n) u can see the join created (left/right) in the "Relationship SQL" tab of the "Relationship Definition" window.
And regarding the diagram thingie u asked, well u can change the cardinality either way i.e through the create relationship window or the diagram window.Both with impact the query in the same way.
Hi Tarun
Thank u so much..............
You can also write a custom Expression while creating a join which can be usefull at times
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