may i know what is the differnce between d-list and e-list.
thanks in advance.
yes, elist is the dimension to assign the security on. Everything else you can find in the manual which is btw included in you Cognos installation.
I recommend a basic training for analyst and contributor. Gimme a shout if you are interested.
Quote from: sascha on 19 Aug 2008 12:18:14 PM
yes, elist is the dimension to assign the security on. Everything else you can find in the manual which is btw included in you Cognos installation.
I recommend a basic training for analyst and contributor. Gimme a shout if you are interested.
yes please let me know about the training ..
Maybe it's better to first do some training, some of your questions are very basic Cognos Planning questions which are all discussed in the training.
Hi Rahul,
If u dont mine i need which is new version of Cognos8 Planning Products Details.
If u have pls send me.