start /d "E:\cognos\c83\bin" /w cogtr.exe -n2 -r4 -s -dLogFileName="test.log" -dLogFileDirectory="C:\test cubes\log" "E:\SLM\Transformer Map\test.pyj"
Log file looks something like this:
PowerPlay Transformer DA Server Mon Aug 18 14:39:24 2008
PowerPlay Transformer DA Server(7.4.1104.0 ) Mon Aug 18 14:39:25 2008
PowerPlay Transformer DA Server Mon Aug 18 14:39:25 2008
PowerPlay Transformer DA Server(7.4.1104.0 ) Mon Aug 18 14:39:25 2008
PowerPlay Transformer DA Server Mon Aug 18 14:39:25 2008
Mon 18 Aug 2008 2:39:25 PM 2 00000000 (TR0646) Column or filter 'User Id' is based on reference '[Report].[Query1.0].[User Id]' which cannot be found in package 'SLM History'.
Mon 18 Aug 2008 2:39:26 PM 3 00000000 (TR0649) One or more columns or filters cannot be found in datasource 'SLM History~1'. [->OK]
Transformer Mon Aug 18 14:39:26 2008
Sounds like you are trying to build a cube from a cognos 8 package or report, and transformer can't find one of the source columns.
Has the package or report definition changed since the cube model was constructed?
Are you connecting to the correct environment (through Cognos Configuration)?