We recently purchased an enterprise licence for a Cognos8 CBT and would like to add it to the portal so that all C8 users can get to it from their portal page. Can anyone tell me if this is possible? If so, can you share what steps I should take to make it happen.
Any help is appreciated.
I havent tried it, but it seems possible.
All you need to do is to create a link to the CBT (i presume you start the CBT when clicking on index.html)
There was an article on this on SupportLink - check this page: http://support.cognos.com/supportlink/features/fa_0705_03.html
I realise this is an old topic but the solution is relatively simple so I thought I would post for anyone else attempting this.
Assuming you can deliver the CBT via a Web Page there are several ways to accomplish what your after.
Sorry I am not a big fan of the "My Learning Portal" - the last thing I need is another tab that is almost never used cluttering up my screen ;)
So with a small change to the system.xml file you can accomplish what your looking for.
This solution works with Cognos 8.2 and 8.4
In Cognos 8.2 this will add another entry on the Studio line called "Documentation"
In Cognos 8.4 this will add another entry below all others in the Launch menu tab called "Documentation"
In my case http://servername/docs is the correct URL to launch my seperate Documentation site.
This code I got several years ago from the Cognos support site, but I have used it many times to update the Cognos Menu.
Simply update the URL to the CBT site, and change "Documentation" to anything that describes what your delivering. You may also want to change the Icon used.
<!-- Documentation -->
<param name="ui_add">
<label xml:lang="en">Documentation</label>
<tooltip xml:lang="en">Documentation</tooltip>