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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: robinma on 14 Aug 2008 06:43:25 AM

Title: System Links
Post by: robinma on 14 Aug 2008 06:43:25 AM
Hello all, i am new to this forum but looks like a good place to be asking these questions....

System links, you will ahve to excuse me, i have never used them before and so will probably get my words the wrong way round.

I know you can move data from cube2cibe within ONE application but can i move data from a cube in one application to a cube in a DIFFERENT application?

Im using Analyst/Contributor 7.3

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: System Links
Post by: sascha on 14 Aug 2008 07:58:24 AM
Hi robinma

Welcome on board.

Yes, System-Links and Admin-Links can link data across applications. System-Links can be executed by the user, so you can see it as a pull-link. Admin-Links are push-links and can be executed by the user (and with version 8.2+ also from the user himself).

To set up System-Links you need to allow the source application to act as 'system-link source' (to be found in the admin options in the application console). It might be neccessary to also allow the user who uses the console to set up systemlinks.

BTW: I strongly recommend to update to 8.3, or - if you want - 8.4. Espaccially in the 8.4 there is a lot of new functionality within the web client and regarding to the integration into the BI-world (if that applies to you).

Title: Re: System Links
Post by: robinma on 14 Aug 2008 09:49:37 AM
Hi, thanks for the prompt response....

I have set the soource app system link to "Yes" and have set "Get Data" to enables however when i try to create a system link there are no applications/cubes in the source cube drop down list...

any ideas?

Title: Re: System Links
Post by: sascha on 19 Aug 2008 12:31:36 PM
Have you also checked that you have the appropriate access rights (see attached screenshot) and you set the SOURCE app to be available as system link source (other screenshot)?