Does anyone know of a way to change the save location of the "planningerrorlog.csv"?
The reason I ask is that we would like to have it saved in a folder separate from the '\Windows\Temp' directory. This separate folder can be shared, whereas the '\Windows\Temp' simply cannot in our security environment. It is also doubtful that we could create a workaround such as a script to run a copy job on the file once it is modified.
Please any suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance.
Nevermind. Problem solved.
There is actually an application called 'EPLogFetcher.exe', which can be used to connect your local machine to any Cognos server and search for all log file types. Apparently it must be using 'comsvc' or similar user account, because it doesn't require admin login to reach protected '\Windows\temp' file on server.
You can read about it in the Cognos Admin Guide.