I have a report footer that I've created and it has several table cells within it. These table cells are labeled and are have colored table cells next to the labels. Basically, I have one footer but that one footer can have 3 possible looks, depending on what year and grade is selected, I have attached the code. When the footer choice was only 2, it was easy because I just used a Boolean variable. Now that I have 3 possible looks to the footer, I can't use a Boolean variable, I need to use a string variable.
I think I need to create 3 different footers, place them in the report and name them (I don't know how to do this) so I can use an If statement to call them???
Or, can I do like the Boolean variable and hide certain table cells depending on the year and grade???
Please inform me if I have not explained myself or what I am trying to do thouroughly enough.
Thank you!
Create a new string variable (eg NewCondVar) and in there, include a case statement to generate your three different outcomes.
Then in your footer, create a conditional block, set the 'block variable' to NewCondVar, change the 'current block' property to get into the edit mode for each of the 3 conditional outcomes, and include in that block the elements required to for the footer for that condition.
I took the report you posted, edited it, added the new variable (obviously youll need to put the correct logic into the variable definition), and added a conditional block into the footer linked to that variable & conditions so its ready to finish (I hope you've got 8.3 or higher!) *attached*
Hope this helps,
PS. For the other conditional variable, you could also use a CASE/WHEN/THEN statement instead of the nested if then else (if then else (if then else)) etc ;D
Are you sure. Boolean/String variables will work at footer of a page?
Yes, Boolean/String variables do work on footers, just so you know.
Thank you for you response, I will try your suggestions and let you know the outcome.
Thanks again!
Thank you, it works perfectly now!!
Glad to help & thanks for letting me know it was useful ;D