Is there a limit on number of items displayed in the Drop down list box prompt?
I have a Drop down list box prompt in which I want to display more than one million number of items.
By default its took only 5000 items in any Drop down list box prompt , even when i changed this default value to 40000. Cognos Report Studio is not able to display the prompt page.
Can anyone faced such kind of problem ? Please help me out to solve this issue.
I would first ask why is it needed to show so many values at one time?
Not sure if it fits your purpose, but to avoid the performance issue, have you thought of using a select and search prompt? Those are usually useful for prompts that query large amount of values such as all customer names.
I'm with CognosBuddy on this one.
I can't imagine any user who would want to attempt to pick a number from a drop down list of one million items, even if the product did support it.
If you need to pick from more than 5000 different items, use a different type of prompt (such as select & search, text etc).
Alternatively you could create some sort of a cascading prompt setup, such as first picking a starting letter or number, a date range etc.
Thanks JGirl & CognosBuddy11 for the nice suggestions.