Do anyone have any idea on how to customize the default Cognos SignOn screen?
I want to add some text and images to this page.
Thanks in advance,
Hello, you can create your own customized login page and brand it according to your company requirements. You can get started by tracing through the code for default.htm located in your Cognos install.
That really helped.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks tmacfarlane for your help.
But there is another problem.When i click logoff it is not returning to custom login page.If somebody could help me on this
Thanks in advance,
well, maybe the proven practices application within the website can help you. It is called 'JavaServlet to Redirect Logoff From Cognos Connection (Cognos 8)'. You can find it in proven practice -> Developement -> Utilities.
How to get the namespace id dynamically for the Custom login screen.If you have any program or technique plese help me on this
Hello , We came across similar requirement to custom cognos logon page. Can you please help me out in fixing it. We are using cognos8.3
My default.htm page as shown below -
<meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright (C) 2007 Cognos Incorporated. All rights reserved."/>
<meta name="Trademark" content="Cognos (R) is a trademark of Cognos Incorporated."/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; uRL=cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?">
<body style="background-color:#ffffff">
<div align="center">
<img src="skins/corporate/branding/portal_splash.gif" style="position:relative; top:80px">
I felt like all the code is coming from cognos.cgi which is encrypted. Please let me know how to modify it.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Friends,
Could you please tell me the steps to customize the cognos welcome page.I need to have a text box with an OK button which traverses to the next page.I went through the manual and modified default.css,system.xml,portal_en.Still iam not able to accomplish.Please let me know.
My requirement is Customizing the Log on page as if i enter wrong credentials
instead of getting the message like "The provided credentials are invalid.Please type your credentials for authentication" i need to provide some link.For that i have modified System.xml as
<logon enabled="true">
& i placed bad_credentials_redirect_link.xhtml file in \cognos\c10\webcontent\ps\login folder,bad_credentials_redirect_link.xhtml this file contains the code as
<div id="%CL_PROMPT_badCredentialsEntered_caption%">
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But i'm not getting,Can you guide me to go forward.