Can anyone tell me how to refresh a cube using batch scripting? I am on 8.3 SP2.
Hi, I wanted to update with some more info...We are using AD for authentication and this 8.3 environment is isolated with Series 7 environment.
I tried using the following command but no luck!
cogtr.exe -n2 -s -nologo -r4 -lsignon=<userid>/<pwd> <model.pyj>
try the below script from batch file
pushd "d:\program files\Cognos\c8\bin"
D:\progra~1\Cognos\c8\bin\cogtr.exe -n "your .mdl location"
popd "d:\program files\Cognos\c8\bin"
and let me know if it works
Hi, This is not working for me...I also tried this script but no luck...
cogtr.exe -n2 -s -r4 -lsignon=userid/password -kdatabasename=userid/password directory\model.pyj
Any thoughts would be appreciated!