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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Jeka on 06 Aug 2008 04:09:04 PM

Title: Auto Scale?
Post by: Jeka on 06 Aug 2008 04:09:04 PM
Hi Guys,
I'm new to cognos and I'm not sure what this means or where it is?

Creating a dashboard with 2 cross tabs and 2 graphs.

What is an 'auto scale' option in C8, i need that to figure out y-axis in graph?

Title: Re: Auto Scale?
Post by: DavidVB on 08 Aug 2008 12:12:48 PM

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but if you leave 'Maximum Value', 'Minimum Value', and 'Scale Interval' blank/default, then Cognos should calculate the scale automatically.  These options are available for both X-Axis and Y-Axis.

I hope that helps.

Title: Re: Auto Scale?
Post by: Jeka on 11 Aug 2008 01:32:59 PM
I'm creating a chart and the requirements were given to me.
It says for Yaxis i need to use Auto Scale to get unit of measure.

The only thing i found is when i go to properties for Yaxis there i can see where i can select  to include zero for auto scale!

But how do i use auto scale to figure out units of measure?

Thank-you for helping!
Title: Re: Auto Scale?
Post by: Venu_Gollapudi on 28 Aug 2008 04:53:05 AM
Guys do any body have any update on this, I have got a requirement as follows..

I have to set my measure highest valuethe as the maximum value of Y Axis1.

Ex: suppose my measure highest value is 10000 then the maximum value  of Yaxis shoud become 10000 only if tomorrow after warehouse refershed and the vlaues got increses then the new highest value should be the maximum value for the chart.