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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: whereswally on 06 Aug 2008 05:39:46 AM

Title: Setting up on IIS
Post by: whereswally on 06 Aug 2008 05:39:46 AM
Hello List.
It has to be something quite rudimentary as the install/config guide is pretty straightforward - must be me then...
Firstly, in the doc it states I have to create 2 aliases - one cognos8 and another cognos8/cgi-bin -...... but... it won't let me do this as there is a forward slash which it doesn't accept.. I use cgi-bin as an alias and update the gateway uri to reflect this.
When I point to http://servername/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi? it redirects me to File/Directory not Found. 404 Error.

However, if I change the URL to http://servername/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?
I get the welcome page ... but... the links are not shown... firstly the images do not appear. They are under the skins folder and these are under the webcontent folder, but because I have taken the 'cognos8' alias out of the url it cannot find them any more...

So how did people get around this alias issue as I think it may all stem from here?
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: whereswally on 06 Aug 2008 06:24:03 AM
Never mind.
Figured it out... knew I would soon after posting this...
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: goose on 11 Aug 2008 08:18:33 AM
use the isapi dll for IIS
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: louisy on 16 Oct 2008 03:19:30 PM
Please post your solution as I am experiencing the same problem
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: ipmurali on 14 Mar 2010 05:27:50 AM
I am facing the same issue.

We are having :
Windows 2003 server
Cognos 8.2

Appreciate someone's help
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: RajBedi on 16 Mar 2010 03:40:50 PM
Please correct me if I'm misinterpreting the question but can't you just right click on the cognos8 virtual directory and create another under it called cgi-bin?

That's how I got this going in IIS.
Hope that helps!
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: ipmurali on 18 Mar 2010 01:18:12 AM
Thanks RajBedi.

Installed on XP and one other Windows Server 2003
both installations are working fine.

This installation did on another Windows Server 2003
Configured same way as on other, but not working.
Title: Re: Setting up on IIS
Post by: RajBedi on 23 Mar 2010 09:28:29 AM
Hi ipmurali,
This thread said the problem was with trying to create the cgi-bin under the cognos8 virtual directory.
I'm not clear on what is "not working" for your installation but it doesn't sound as though this is the same problem you are facing.

I think you'll have to do some more investigation on your side to further pinpoint the issue.
All we have to go on right now is that your installation is not working.
There could be many reasons why an installation would fail.