Hope someone can help me with this. I've got a report that has been sectioned on an attribute. I need the different sections to appear on different pages so I've added a page set that works great. The problem is the summary only appears at the end of the report and not at the end of each section.
Any ideas how I can get this to work?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Check if the Summary Page is in the Detail Pages folder in the Page set.
In order ot have a page repeat for each page set, the page has to be placed in the Detail Pages folder of the page set.
Thanks for the reply. The page I need to repeat is in the detail pages part of the page set and is being repeated the only issue is the summary at the end of the list is only being displayed on the last page and not on every page.
Any thoughts?
You just mentioned that the Summary Page is being repeated. Are you saying that the Summary Page repeats for each sectioned attribute except for the last attribute in the set?
No sorry there isn't a summary page. I was talking about the summaries at the end of the sectioned lists i.e. the totals. The totals are only appearing with the last sectioned list and not with the others.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help
Sounds like you want subtotals but you are getting a grand total. Grand totals only happen at the end. I have worked more with crosstabs than lists and i have found summarizing in lists not as intuitive, but i would suggest highlighting different columns and then clicking the aggregate icon. Subtotals are typically light grey and grand totals (outer edge) are typically dark grey. Sorry i couldn't be more help.
Thanks for the help. I think that's what we did. Anway I've moved on to another project now so someone else can pick this up.
Again thanks for the help.