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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Jeka on 23 Jul 2008 11:18:38 PM

Title: Drill-through?
Post by: Jeka on 23 Jul 2008 11:18:38 PM
Hi People,
Please guide me in right direction ,greatly appreciated!

I got a cube and a relational package.
User will drill down on the amount to get to the lowest level of the account in the cube report. But the most detail level will be in the relational package report (Account numbers).
This is where I get confused.

When the user right clicks on the Summed amount it will give him an option to drill down.

What should do in order for the user to have the ability to drill thought on the amount to another report?
How will the date, account description and the amount will get passed to the report if he/she will be clicking only on the amount to drill through to another report?

Thank-you so much!
Title: Re: Drill-through?
Post by: Gopinath on 24 Jul 2008 06:03:59 AM

Create 3 parameters for date, account description and amount in the target report.
Create drill-through for amount and it automatically detects all the 3 parameters. You have to specify data items to be passed from the parent report.
Title: Re: Drill-through?
Post by: Jeka on 24 Jul 2008 12:24:25 PM
Thank-you for the reply!

"Create drill-through for amount and it automatically detects all the 3 parameters. You have to specify data items to be passed from the parent report."

How do I create a drill-through for an amount, in properties pane? I don't see it there!

"Specify data items in the parent report", can you please explain?

Title: Re: Drill-through?
Post by: benjaaz on 22 Sep 2008 04:43:25 PM
setup your drill through target report to have parameters on date and account number.  Select the amount field in the parent report then click on the drill through icon (think it's last icon on the rightside of tool bar). Setup a drill through and identify your target report, select the action like run report, and set your output format like html and if you want it to run in a new window.  Click edit on parameters and the software will determine what parameters are needed for the traget report because you selected it earlier. Then select "pass a data item" to satisfy each parameter of the target report, then from the dropdown on the right select the data item from the parent report that you want to pass.  All the amount field does is be the "object" you click on to drill through to the other report. You don't link the amount because the target report will probably one one or more records that makes up that amount. You just want to pass the date and account number that got the "amount" in the first place.