My name of Robert Edis (A.K.A. Blue). My business name is Robert Edis Consulting and is based in Deerfield, Illinois, USA.
I am a Cognos partner and have been using Cognos products continuously since 1990. My first project was converting Cobol reports to PowerHouse Quiz in an OpenVMS environment using Oracle Rdb RDBMS. This was at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia.
My first experience with PowerPlay was in the early '90s when it was released on floppy disk!
In 2000 I made the switch from being primarily an applcation/ERP developer at GE in Houston to business Intelligence when taking a position as Manager of Business Intelligence for FleetPride, a truck parts company then based in Deerfield, Illinois (Chicago).
Currently I'm in Sydney working on DecisionStream/ReportNet projects with RailCorp.
I have presented at a Cognos User Conference in Orlando and had 2 articles published in SupportLink.
I am available (and legally able) to work in North America, Australasia and the European Union. I specialise in the analysis, design and construction of data marts using relational database technology and Cognos ETL and BI tools.
Hi Blue
Are you both a full time employee and a one man consulting company.
I contract to clients as a consultant. Where did you get the idea that I was a "full time employee" from? I work 40+ hours a week for my clients usually on an hourly rate either through a 3rd party agency or direct.