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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: porkins on 21 Jul 2008 10:55:54 AM

Title: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: porkins on 21 Jul 2008 10:55:54 AM
Our requirement is to hide the drill through targets folder from the end-user.  We have tried the following in system.xml:

deleted "or permission("execute") or permission("traverse")" from:

<!-- CM filter added to content requests to only return objects "visible" to the current user -->  <param name="visible">[permission("read") or permission("write") or permission("execute") or permission("traverse") or permission("setPolicy")]</param>'.

However, after restarting, when administrator tries to access Cognos Administration you get the error:

DPR-ERR-2058 The dispatcher encountered an error while servicing a request: Failed creating pipeline .

This page cannot be displayed. It may be deleted or you may not have sufficient privileges to see it.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: swordfish on 03 Aug 2008 03:23:37 PM
Drill through target folder or report cannot be hidden in 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3.

There is an enhancement request with cognos to have this feature in future versions.....

Title: Re: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: twlarsen on 04 Aug 2008 03:43:05 PM
We've hidden the folder that our drill through reports are located in and have no problems (8,3).  Is that what you are trying to accomplish or am I missing something?

Title: Re: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: swordfish on 08 Aug 2008 11:11:57 AM
Hi twlarsen,

How did you accomplish this? What permissions did you set to the child reports folder or child report? Whatever combination of permissions i set, i could never achieve this. I tried to do some things in the system.xml but that too backfired.

After raising a ticket with cognos, they confirmed that this feature of hiding drill through target reports folders or report cannot be hidden until 8.3 versions and they even gave me an enhancement request that is WIP at their end.

Title: Re: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: twlarsen on 11 Aug 2008 12:12:59 PM
We are on 8.3,  these are the changes I made.

1)  Edited the system.xml file - <param name="visible">[permission(&quot;read&quot;)]</param> - removed all the other options so that a user only sees an object if they have read permissions.

2)  The folders that have the Drill Thru reports have traverse only rights for users.

3)  The reports themselves have Read and Execute rights.

Hopefully this helps!

Title: Re: system.xml drill through folder hiding. getting error with cognos admin
Post by: porkins on 09 Sep 2008 09:20:10 AM
I just wanted to follow up on this.  We resolved the issue a week or two later.  I'm a little embarrased because the reason we were getting the error was actually due to something really silly.  The version of UltraEdit that the client had installed would corrupt the system.xml file upon saving.  It appended an invisible character to the beginneing of the file that could only be seen with a hex editor and could only be deleted by copying everything up to it and pasting it to a new notepad.  Cognos couldn't read this character and errored out..