As a business we seem to spend too much time manually updating our Organisation charts which show all of our people and who reports into them etc.
At present it is all done manually (and very timeconsumingly!)
So I was wondering whether we could use Cognos 8 to help, but have no idea how we could go about it...
We have an HR system that details all of our employees (ie name, title etc.) and all of their line managers (and their name and title etc.). So this would form our "raw data".
But I have no idea how I could display this as an organisation chart (ie with a box showing the CEO's name and title, and underneath him a number of boxes which would show the names and titles of his direct reports etc. etc.)
Clearly we would want to be able to pick where we started, and how many tiers we would want to display etc.
Anyway, I was hoping some of you Cognos gurus might give me some pointers!
This can be done in Report Studio using tables and a ton of data items. You would build a data item for each title and include the title and name in each data item. The organize the boxes with tables. It would be kind of a PIA depending on how big your orgchart is. You may need to break it down by funtional area, HR, Accounting, Etc.. Hope this helps