I wish there was a site-wide chat available on Cognoise ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 .... Darn, still not ready!
Hi Darek ,
Are you referring to this post (http://cognoise.com/community/index.php?topic=270.0) ?
Hi guys,
I disabled the chat function on advice - mainly around security and hacking. Happy to reverse if enough community support for it.
Sometimes I see people "Online" and would love to chat with them. But if it is security risk, I can live without it.
I vote to turn on the chat feature :)
Everything has a risk and I hope the programmers of the chat did all they could to mitigate that risk.
Enable!! :D
Yes, enable it. That will be 8)
Will do so - just give me a few days. I have just moved home and am relying on dial-up!!!
So that's why you replied so late :D
Hi All,
Have been testing this feature and it appears I can't switch on Private Msg without this forum software displaying everyone's email address (notwithstanding the 'do not show email') so I might have to go back to the drawing board to find a workaround.
Thanks to RAddict and Darek for your assistance in UAT'ing this.
Sorry for taking so long.
UAT'ing = ????
sorry User Acceptance Testing
Ok.. :D