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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: porkins on 17 Jul 2008 11:04:10 AM

Title: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: porkins on 17 Jul 2008 11:04:10 AM
I am in need of creating a batch file to do a cube refresh.  I got my PCConn disable and enable scripts working properly, but am having issues building the cube using cogtr command line utility.

E:\Cognos\C83\bin\cogtr.exe -n2 -i -y1"namespace=username/password" -r4 -dLogFileName="logfile.log" -dLogFileDirectory="E:\Metadata\Models" -dCubeSaveDirectory="E:\Metadata\Models\Work" -dModelSaveDirectory="E:\Metadata\Models\Work" "E:\Metadata\Models\model.pyj"

We are on 8.3 with a 7 namespace.  Using -y1 for the login just causes a timestamp write to the log file but nothing else happens.  If I omit -y1 and login manually then the script will run but we need the whole process to be automatic.  When I use -l I get a login error regarding the namespace. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: jguevin on 21 Jul 2008 07:54:59 AM
here is a sample of what we use to refresh our cubes, I remember when we upgraded to 8.3 it took me a while to figure out the correct syntax.  The syntax we used in the batch file for 8.2 did not work in 8.3.

start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cognos\c8\bin" /w cogtr.exe -c -n2 -s -kdatasource=username/password -ldatasource=username/password "d:\xxx.mdl"

hope this helps
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: porkins on 21 Jul 2008 09:48:27 AM
Thanks for the help.  This however still seems to result in an invalid database signon error even though the same signon info will work from the the dialog window.
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: jguevin on 21 Jul 2008 12:35:20 PM
did you add the database signons to the cs7g.ini files?
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: porkins on 21 Jul 2008 03:06:23 PM
I do not believe that anyone has.  Is this neccesary in an 8.3 environment?  If so, can you please be more specific?  Thanks again.
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: jguevin on 22 Jul 2008 07:54:26 AM
If you are using IQDs to build your cubes then yes you need to have that.  There is a KB article KB#1038388 on the cognos support site about using IQDs with 8.3.  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: cube refresh script - cogtr issue with logon
Post by: porkins on 23 Jul 2008 01:00:30 PM
Hmm, IQD's had been used and the bridge was installed, so I added the connection string for the cube to the proper .ini files.  However, I must note that we can in fact rebuild the cube in Transformer and we were able to get the command line to work by omitting the signon flags and using the built in automatic signon in transformer, however, it would be nice to see this flag work as to not leave this user account open in transformer.

When I look at the datasource associated with the cube in cognos connection under the administrative panel, I see the option to add a signon, however since it is a cube, it does not let me specify a userid. so, when i look at what I have to fill the cube in with i get my_cc_namespace=(blank)/my_signon_password.  I do not know where to get the proper userid to fill this in because unlike a DB2 datasource, you cannot provide a userid to the datasource signon from within the administrative panel. And no, my username doesnt work.