I'm trying to use Analyst to create my eList using the export d-list as elist feature. I can't figure out a way to create an eList with different Elist Item Names and Elist Item Captions. For example the Elist item Name should be 1234 and Elist item Caption should be 1234 Accounting Dept.
I want to use a unique number for the Elist Item Name so when I need to change the Elist Item Caption I won't lose data. Does Analyst have this functionality? I considered constructing a cube to house the data but can't figure out how to construct it so when I export the cube it is in a format the Contributor Admin Consol can import.
Has anyone had any luck with this?
You have two options:
(1) you can use CAC to change IDs of elist items manually
(2) you can prepare parametric dcube to be used for work with elist, and use dcube export instead of "dlist/export as elist" feature
I myself prefer option 2 which can be quite efficient.
Best regards,
Yes, I am using option 2 quite often, too. Even if I have a 3-column format from the warehouse. It's great for a sanity check for uniqueness issues before processing everything in a Contributor Macro.
Just set up a cube with the eList-ID as D-List and a second D-List that has 2 items (Parent, Caption) that are either D-List formatted or text formatted.
Export to a textfile and Import into Contributor.
I've got accustomed to using datawarehouse dimension tables for generating elists and dlists. Moreover an easy gesture allows you to generate Access Manager script that adds UserClasses with desired names. Rights file generation is as easy as elist export.
So we currently have a following scenario:
1 User adds new department to dimension table
2 New AM userclasses are imported
3 Elists and rights for all applications are generated
4 Overall GTP -- and there you go, just add user in new userclass )
I recommend using MS Access to automate your eList creation.
You can export a text file from Access and import directly to the CAC. If your source is already in Analyst, you can just export from Analyst and import to Access for manipulation. There you have many options available for concatenating, parsing, etc.