hello dear all could u pls tell me whether we can Use existing package in craetion of new project.if posible do let me know the steps..how we can do this .
thanks All Techies Buddies....cheerss...
A package is a 'runtime' version of a framework model. If you want to create a new project on the metadata stored in a package you need the source (in this case .cpf and model.xml of the original framework)
Running the metadata wizard from within an empty framework then offers you to 'import' the .cpf and select the components (namespaces) you want..
Quote from: blom0344 on 04 Jul 2008 04:15:22 AM
A package is a 'runtime' version of a framework model. If you want to create a new project on the metadata stored in a package you need the source (in this case .cpf and model.xml of the original framework)
Running the metadata wizard from within an empty framework then offers you to 'import' the .cpf and select the components (namespaces) you want..
i appreciate ur reply ..i am new to cognos..please help me while providing the exact steps to use existing package in ur new project..
Thanks pls do reply...
The package itself is a published 'runtime' version of the metadata model as designed in framework manager. The model is stored as an .xml file (model.xml) The package itself is self-contained. You can import/export it and run reports against it. It is not itself a base for a new project. You need the source (.cpf and model.xml)
sir,could u please tell me how could i manage to make bursting reports..
Thanks techhies
Any relevance to your initial question about creating a new project?
Actually, ia m not getting exactly to your point..so i was unable to use existing package in new project............My doubt is still standing..but ur reply really help me out to some extent..
thanks techhies
You can also publish the package against a network drive instead of publishing to the ContentManager. Then you will find a folder. This folder you can use as a new Framework Manager project.
You can also publish the package against a network drive instead of publishing to the ContentManager.
Publishing the package requires a source, doesn't it? This seems to be the issue in the initial post..