In a performance dashboard for our account managers we show their customers and key performance indicators (sales, delivery performance, ...) for these. It was request to also show the data attributes (city, country, sales engineer, industry, ...) for a customer just in case the manager needs to contact somebody. All these attributes do reside in our data warehouse at the customer level, and are available for reporting.
It is my intention to show this info when hovering the mouse over a specific customer account value. Is there a technique within Report Studio that allows us to do this? Please advise.
I have heard in 8.4 there is the ability to see the "lineage" so anything such as calculations done at the framework manager level. However the lineage is only shown at the FM level, it does not show any calculations from the datawarehouse.
There are also ways to show static screen tips. For showing screen tips when hovering over items in Query Studio or Report Studio - You can set screen tips up in Framework Manager in the properties of query items/subjects. Of course the package would neeed to be published after changes made. For showing screen tips on a report that has been run, there is currently no ability through tools provided by Cognos. But there is a way using a 3rd Party tool called Metamanager (Tool created by Brightstar Partners) that allows you to set up screen tips so that when users can see them when they hover over a column heading in a html report.
Assuming that all the required data items are currently available in your query and using a list to display the customer data, I guess the simplest way is:
1. Unlock the report.
2. Add a html item along side the customer name.
3. Make the source type as Report Expression.
4. Include your query items in a expression something like this : '<a title='''+[Comments].[Comment Body]+'''/>'
You are done.