Well despite the on going JavaScript issue I have; below is a list of some other bugs that keep popping up. Does anyone know of these, have fixes, more bugs, or in general would like to vent about 8.3 :)
Moving or copy/paste an existing filter causes it to disappear. Properties shows it as a Summary filter although it’s not there. Saving the report produces an error.
Certain prompts are completely ignored. I haven’t figured out why. Prompt tokens, value prompts; it doesn't really matter, just sometimes...
Yes, the filters one is logged as a bug.
Just for fun -> in the IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Book, "the official guide" by Dan Volitich, it is clearly written in page 274 about HTML Item:
"allow you to insert anything that your browser can execute ... etc ..." (including javascript, styles, etc).
Joking ? ;D
Sun that is True... but they don't claim that you will be able to reference Cognos controls... unfortunately
Yes, yes I know ... I don't wan't to be boring but It's true that I was just in "anger" about that, sorry ...
We have found that if you copy a filter and then go to where you want to paste it but click on blank space in the Detail Filters box (rather than an existing filter like we always did before) it will work.