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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: FatCat on 02 Jul 2008 09:08:15 AM

Title: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: FatCat on 02 Jul 2008 09:08:15 AM
Anyone experience in 8.3  reports in scheduler going straight into pending?

I am working with Cognos and we have done all the basic things like stopping all processes and starting in a specific order.

We have also run the Oracle scripts that specifically re-build the tables in the repository.

We do not experience this issue on our FQA or DEV installations.

Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: Vick on 09 Jul 2008 03:01:14 PM
Make sure you have setup enough processes for batch report service, if there are no processes allocated none of the scheduled report will run.

Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: goose on 11 Aug 2008 08:24:00 AM
1) Make sure your on the latest SP

2) Do the scripts fix the issue temporarily or not at all?

3) Have you run <cognos-intall-dir>\configuration\schemas\delivery\oracle\NC_DROP_ORA.sql when cognos is stopped and restarted?

We had this for a while fixed old SP / patch release cant remember which version
Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: praveennb on 11 Aug 2008 08:34:42 PM
Are you using multiple servers?

If so let us know what services you have enabled on the Batch Report server.

I had similar problems with planning server with event studio jobs going into pending!
Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: Cinu8 on 28 Aug 2008 06:42:29 PM
hi guys i have same issue with my scheduler
i tried running the nc_drop_ora.sql command from command mode
on Content Manager it just open ups the file with sql script

my question is where should i run this command and why the file is opening in a note pad

please let me know

Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: goose on 08 Sep 2008 07:38:50 AM
You must first connect to the oracle instance hosting your CM database.

1) Stop cognos instance

2) from command line type

     C:>sqlplus <username@tnsname-entry>/<password>


3) Start cognos instance

Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: mr_511 on 18 Sep 2008 10:29:59 AM
We had same issue...we are using SQL server...NC_Drop_xxx.sql is workaround not a fix.   In our Dev enviornment when updated from ver 8.2 MR1 it was resolved but now in 8.3 production ....same issue came back.
Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: Rocks on 30 Sep 2008 03:15:29 PM
This is not good news.  This is a huge issue in our 8.1MR2 environment.  Every month end close we are having to bring down production, run the NC drop table script, then bring the environment back up.  Very messy.

Sometimes, if I just manually cancel all the pending and executing jobs, it clears things up, temporarily, but the problem normally returns.  This works sometimes, but not all the time.  We have had a case up with Cognos for close to 2 months now, with no resolution.

Anyone heard if this is fixed in 8.4?
Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: mr_511 on 30 Sep 2008 04:52:02 PM
We were working on few related issue and changed the SYN attack protection to "disabled" and since then majority of jobs are completing successfully....only few still pending...I would say 2/1000 jobs.

There is one KB article for this settings.
Title: Re: 8.3 Scheduled reports go straight into Pending
Post by: whatever890 on 21 Oct 2008 02:04:26 PM
Hi all,

We had a similiar problem in 8.3 sp1 and were told by Cognos support that there is an issue with one of the tables in the content store.   After setting up a trace, the tech spotted this error in one of the logs:  ORA-12899: value too large for column "CONTENT_STORE"."NC_TASK_QUEUE"."SCHEDULE_TYPE" (actual: 15, maximum: 6)

We had our DBA increase the "CONTENT_STORE"."NC_TASK_QUEUE"."SCHEDULE_TYPE"  from 6 to 15 and were golden!!
