I heard there are 2 utilities available for Cognos 8 Cube automation.
a) CubeSwap Utility to swap the old and new cube
b) pcConn Utility which updates the Cube Data souce connection to the new cube.
Please let me know, which one is the best way to refresh the Cube in Cognos 8.3 environment.
Technically, you can't use any of these Tools to refresh a cube. Both utilities can change your datasource in Connection.
If you want to re-generate your cube, you could use trnsfrmr.exe over the command line.
For Transformer 8.3 it's cogtr.exe. It must be executed from the bin folder where it's installed.
cd \cognos\c83\bin
I wrote the applicationc in .NET SDK and is designed to generate cubes and I rewrote the CubeSwap. It works well but is only a platform for the win. ;)
Hi, could you please inform if your software rewrite of PCConn or Cubeswap work with namespace that ve got space in their names.
Our Active directories are named as "UK Active Directory" and "CE Active Directory".
I would like to use them for our internal use.
Please inform