(In Report Studio, Cognos8.2)
I'm trying to use some "objects" of a library in order to have things like "Tabs" (a sort of TabControl or PageControl), and then attach a Value-Prompt (for ex) to this Tab.
For the moment, I've just tried to put the HTML code in the HTML Item of Cognos, but It is not really working fine: some parts of the tab-control are not visible or not drawn correctly, and I was unable to attach the value-prompt to the tab.
It is possible to use some "complex" HTML object in cognos prompt page ?
How can I manage to do it ?
Did you try to just include your JS?
<script src="quadratur_des_kreises.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
I've tried yet with all the code in a separated file, but I gave the "include / links" in the code in the HTML Item.
(I made some tests before in a "classical" html page - I mean not in a Cognos page - with this library mixed with php code and query over Oracle db, every thing was fine; so I decided to test If it was possible or not to use it in Cognos)
<!--scripts tabbar-->
<script src=".../dhtml/dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js"></script>
<script src=".../dhtml/dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/dhtmlxtabbar.js"></script>
<script src=".../dhtml/dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/dhtmlxtabbar_start.js"></script>
<!--links tabbar-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".../dhtmlxTabbar/codebase/dhtmlxtabbar.css">
<script type='text/JavaScript'>
function init()
//initialisation of a "tabbar" with js (according to dhx's examples)
<body onLoad=init()>
<div id="a_tabbar" style="width: 1150px; height: 300px; top: 15px; left: 5px;"></div>
Now, the value-prompt object is correctly attached to the tab, I've solved this short problem.
The "design" of the "dthml object" is still bad, incomplete, and so impossible to use it correctly.
As I'm not really experienced in HTML in general, hope you will understand some mistakes.
(dhtmlx is a lib from dhx, free in "classical" / personnal version, no problem with that point I think)