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Scorecarding and Dashboard Software => COGNOS Metrics Manager => Topic started by: jwilkinson on 25 Jun 2008 04:16:24 AM

Title: Whats the purpose of the metric store you create using the script?
Post by: jwilkinson on 25 Jun 2008 04:16:24 AM
At a point during the installation of Metric Studio you set up a metrics content store using a command line script. This itself is no problem to set up, but while recently updating my installation guide I became confused as to why this is created, as it doesn't appear that it is used for anything.

When setting up the samples for example, the guide asks you to set up a separate database called GOMETRICS, this time not using the script.

It's rather confusing, does anyone know what this initial script generated metric store is actually for?
Title: Re: Whats the purpose of the metric store you create using the script?
Post by: jwilkinson on 25 Jun 2008 04:32:57 AM
I'm thinking Metric Studio makes use of this database in the background much as Cognos Connection uses the content store, it is definitely being accessed.
Title: Re: Whats the purpose of the metric store you create using the script?
Post by: MMcBride on 05 Aug 2008 10:07:07 AM
As in a previous post I will point out it's a bad analogy but the best I can think of...

you can view a Metric Store the same way you view a Cognos Cube today.

A Metric Store is used to house pre-aggregated, pre-summed business data on a particular Metrics Package. You can have multiple Metrics Packages and as a result Multiple Metric Stores in a single Cognos isntallation, the same way you can have multiple cubes and for much the same reasons.

The Cognos Content Store is seperate and should not be viewed the same way. The Content Store is unique to a Cognos Implimentation and is not used to store data values but to store information the Cognos Server(s) need to run.
Title: Re: Whats the purpose of the metric store you create using the script?
Post by: Ursula Hill on 28 Oct 2009 02:54:58 PM
The metric store is a critical part of Metric Studio. It contains all the scorecard (measures, strategy maps, metric types, impact diagrams, etc.) and metric data within Metric Studio.