In series7 mdl you can reference a userclass by name like this:
UserClassMake "classname" ID 0
No need to know access manager id.
How can you do the same in C8.3 mdl?
The correct mdl verb starts something like this:
SecurityObjectMake "CAMID(""series7:r:authid=1335700722"")"
(from a mdl designed with transformer ui).
What is the syntax for CAMID? What parameter should I use to
search for a userclass by name?
Simply replacing "authid=xxx" with name does not work
("Failure PDS-PPE-0216 Invalid security information provided"
at runtime or if I open the model in transformer and use
"Remove obsolete security objects", the object is removed),
Were you ever able to do this?
Hi all,
Is it possible that a query can be executed against the Content Store that will return the match between users/userclasses and CAMIDs?
Kind regards,
Pedro Martins
In case anyone wonders, referencing series7 userclass by name is not possible in transformer 8.4.1 MDL, just checked it with IBM support (there exists an open enhancement request though).
SDK seems to be the only option or moving to ldap or something else.
Querying content database will not work because (I only guess) content manager does not "import" the whole user class hierarchy into database (it would have to constantly poll directory to detect new/changed userclasses).