I am using 3 Filters in the Report and the parameters are passing thru the Value prompt to the filters.
My filter are Year,Month and Week.
when i am giving the Year then i want to get only the months containing in that year should come in the Month Prompt.Similarly if i will select the month then only related weeks in that month should display in the Week prompt.Please sugest me how to get it??
Do you have a Time Dimension in your Data Source? If so, I would base my queries for the prompt off that table. If not, I would highly suggest creating one. This is the foundation of any Datamart/Data Warehouse... the Time dimension is.
If your metadata is OLAP or DMR (Dimensional) I would suggest using a tree prompt control, rather than 3 separate value prompts... your users will appreciate that.
If you are strictly in a Relational situation, then I would suggest incorporating Cascading prompts, User Year for Month, and then Month for week. So after the Year is selected (turn on Auto-submit), your month prompt will be populated. Then Select your month, and Week prompt will be populated.