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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: reddy_143 on 21 Jun 2008 03:53:11 AM

Title: filiter the data based on condition
Post by: reddy_143 on 21 Jun 2008 03:53:11 AM
Please help me to develop report'

1) On the below attachment (its not a true report but I need it like that) I need to have Units as 0 if Age Hours of particular is not available in Data base. In this screen shot we can see that but in my report I cant i.e

I am getting Age hours (0-12)- Units 37890 and for 12-24 Units 9708 but for other Age hours (24-48……48+) I am not seeing this buckets in my report so I need to see all Age hours irrespective of units if we have units value in the database, we get that value other wise I need to display 0 for respective bucket.

2) How can we maintain  version control in cognos ? is there any way do I need to follow for back of reports?
Title: Re: filiter the data based on condition
Post by: blom0344 on 21 Jun 2008 03:17:02 PM
1. Use a CASE construction or an 'if then else'  if you feel more comfortable with this..

But what do you mean with ' IF SKU_ID is in IMMD_NEED' ?

2. You can only create missing values for a group like Age Hours if you use an outer join with a reference table (which will return every key, even if you have no related fact data for that value)